Saturday, August 15, 2015


So, with one week of summer left I've come to explain why I stopped blogging, and my future plans for this blog. First off, this summer was filled with many amazing moments. Once I arrived to Mexico, I was overwhelmed with happiness and serenity. Just being there brought me back to my roots. Anyways, it's selfish of me to say this, but I wanted to enjoy every minute I was there, so I decided to stop posting for a while. Summer is the only time I get to visit my family and rejoin the 
people I grew up with the first five years of my life. I really missed everyone, and I wanted to get a chance to catch up on life. Also, like most of you may know, in May I graduated high school. A month before I graduated, I was ready to leave and never look back like the rest of my classmates. However, now that I'm about to enter college, I am truly terrified of what's to come. I'm scared of life. I'm afraid of letting both myself, and my parents down. Yet, I look at others, and I see how excited they are to begin a new chapter in their lives. With all that being said, after giving this a lot of thought, I have decided to take a small break from blogging. As I figure out my future, I will step away from my blogging world. I can't promise that my return will be soon, but I can promise that I will return eventually. This blog has helped me grow as a person, and I'm not ready to let it go. Thank you to my readers who have stuck around, and I promise that this is not a goodbye. I don't believe in goodbyes or giving up on something I truly feel passionate about. So to end my, "see you soon" post, I am leaving you off with two of my favorite pictures that I took in Mexico.

See you soon my lovely readers.