Sunday, May 31, 2015


He wrote that the best is yet to come, but when is it actually going to come? He wrote that all the world's a stage, but what if you're afraid of both the audience, and the stage? He wrote that we know what we are, yet know not what we may be. So, how do you know if what you're doing is the right thing to become who you want to be?  All of these lines were once written by the great William Shakespeare, but until a few days ago I had not taken these remarks into consideration. To me, they were nothing but words of the the wise. However, today as I sat back and looked out at all my classmates, I though to myself, "Wouldn't it be nice if once we receive our diplomas, we developed all this valuable skills that would be needed to succeed in life?" Unfortunately,
that quintessential moment only exists in my dreams. With that being said, I have come here to inform you and myself that even when something is achieved, it is still possible to move even further. I remember when I was a kindergartner I thought that my life would be set if I could count from 1 to 100. Little did I know a number like 101, or 102 existed. You see, greatness is something people strive for, but in reality greatness is like infinity. We have no idea when we'll achieve greatness, but we do know that it is possible for us to get closer to achieving it. In the end, knowing when the best is coming, it is much more valuable working towards getting to that, "best." My favorite character Blair Waldorf would agree that destiny is just an excuse for letting things happen, instead of making things happen. Next, knowing the world's a stage is frightening if you're shy like me, but instead of trying to impress the audience, one must show the world what they're capable of. Finally, even though we don't know who we will become, it is essential to remember who we were and why we started. So, thanks to William Shakespeare, one can interpret his words so they can reach their own greatness.