Sunday, January 11, 2015


During my stay in Mexico, I traveled to three different places that have become a tradition visit. One of the places was, Fresnillo, Zacatecas. In this city, a famous church can be found. The reason this church is so special to everyone is because the city it is located in is one of the most spiritual places in Mexico. Plateros, located in Fresnillo, is the land of faith and miracles.
People visit this place for forgiveness, clarity, or appreciation. Some have even been known to, from their homes, crawl on their knees all the way to the altar of the church. Every time I attend this spiritual place, I come to the realization of how thankful I am for my life and those in it. Usually during stressful times, we as human beings tend to feel as if everything is against us. However, instead of bottling everything up, we must stop, step away, and just transport our minds to our place of peace and happiness. Reading the different stories that were plastered all over the walls give me reason to appreciate life and realize that those stressful moments did not ruin my life, instead they helped me reach goals that I thought would be impossible to reach. All in all, stay close to what makes you strong and remember that in the end it will be okay.

P.S. I will be posting every two weeks on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Post will either be related to fashion or lifestyle and experiences.